The story so far…. (Part 1)

December 9, 2016 – After being hit by a car we rushed Baxter to the nearest after hours emergency vet a few towns away. I knew he was hurt but as I cradled him I was optimistic as he was breathing and his body seemed intact. After taking him in they came back to tell us his jaw was broken and he would need surgery first thing in the morning, his lungs were bruised, and they weren’t sure why but he wasn’t using his left front leg but the X-ray was clear. They suggested it may be badly sprained, so they splinted. Honestly, at that point his leg seemed the least of our concerns.  We were grateful, he was gonna be ok. Surgery was scheduled for the morning.


December 10, 2016 – Instead of feeling relief that my favorite boy was going to be ok, I spent the night up worried about finances. The estimate for his surgery was $3,500. Two weeks before Christmas and I don’t know about other people, but we didn’t just have $3,500 extra. Am I bad dog Mom because I wasn’t prepared for this? In an ideal world we’d all have a nest egg for vet bills, but we didn’t. In the end, we emptied savings, cut some corners and told our family we weren’t celebrating Christmas this year and came up with the money. It wasn’t easy, but more than worth it. He’s my baby.

Baxter came home that night, still groggy from anesthesia. In retrospect, he came home way too early. He should have stayed another day. He couldn’t stand on his own, he was incontinent, taking shallow breaths, we were up all night worried watching him breath. But again, the leg was splinted and we were told it was fine. He wasn’t using it because it was splinted and some dogs just won’t use a splinted leg. His jaw was wired to hold it in place. He was on a soft food only diet.


December 11, 2016 –  He was still groggy and not himself. I was beginning to wonder if he had suffered some brain damage or neuro damage based on his behavior but I really think he just needed more recovery time. We were picking him up to carry outside to use the bathroom as he still couldn’t walk. But he could no stand, albeit a bit wobbly. He started eating good, he had never had canned food before as we only serve dry so this was a treat he enjoyed.


December 12, 2016 – In an ideal world we could pause life and care for our loved ones for as long as needed. But in my reality, I just landed a new, high energy fast paced, well paying job…. I need to go to work as does my husband. But it’s obvious Baxter can’t be left alone. He’s still requiring assistance with basic tasks such as eating and toileting. My husband stayed home from work to care for him and bring him to the vet as something is clearly wrong with his leg. It’s like a limp noodle, it just drags there. He makes no effort to use it. I’m no vet but I know it’s not a sprain.

I get a call at work from my husband. His voice is cracking….. I know. In my heart I knew all along. He suffered a Brachial Plexus Avulsion. It’s bad. He needs his front left leg amputated.

5 thoughts on “The story so far…. (Part 1)”

  1. I feel for you all greatly. The best advice I can give you is to believe in your pups strength and ability to bounce back after surgery!

  2. Oh wow!! You really have been through a rough time!! Clearly you love Baxter very much and are very tuned into him. You KNEW his leg and his recovery were not going right!

    Will be anxiously awaiting the next installment for Baxter and hoping he is doing okay now!!

    Hugs to all!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  3. Baxter is an amazing dog to have survived all that! You stay strong Baxter and keep on keeping on!!! You have your SuperDog cape on! We are sending best wishes, hugs, and PyrPaws your way.

    1. Thank You! He’s getting stronger everyday. He still has his leg as of now, they are waiting a few weeks to let him heal from his other injuries before they do another major surgery.

      I do have homeowners and he does have insurance as well. Here’s my issues and concerns with that route: even if his insurance paid the claim he has a $500 out of pocket deductible he’s “very” concerned about. So that’s the most we would have to pay. As for our homeowners I guess I’m afraid if I let it go through them could they ever tell me I need to get rid of BAXTER as he caused a claim? Also, again, the max we’re looking at is $500, so it’d be easier for us to leave our homeowners out of it and pay it ourselves if we were ever forced to.

      He’s actually our neighbor, we live on the same street. We didn’t know each other prior to this and I’m glad about that. He’s a jerk. He doesn’t even know our names, we never even got to introduce ourselves before he wanted money. But he does have our address if he wants to peruse this further.

      One thing I should add….. after that day, and my husband telling him to beat it, he never came back and we’ve heard nothing. So… it’s been 3 weeks. I’ll keep you posted.

      Thanks everyone for all the love and support. I’m gonna need it as we approach amputation and in his recovery!!

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