The driver who hit Baxter

First things first, we place no blame on the driver for the accident. Baxter ran into the road. There’s really nothing he could have done differently to prevent it.

BUT……. I do have an issue with a few other things.

We never spoke the night of the incident, although he did stop.  We scooped Baxter up and ran for the vet. The next morning, about 15 hours after the accident, the driver pulled in our driveway. At that moment Baxter was on the operating table. I got very emotional as I thought how shooken up and concerned this man must be. He must care…. he came back right?

I started crying telling him BAXTER was going to be ok and we understand he couldn’t have stopped and we hoped he didn’t feel any responsibilities.  He cut me off when I said Baxter was going to ok and said ” Well that’s good for him, but you need to look at the damage on my car and who’s going to pay for it?”

At that moment, my insides turned. It killed me a little. I was wrong, he didn’t care.  He never asked how he was, what’s his name, are we ok, and even not being his fault….. the word sorry was obviously never to be heard. He asked my husband to come outside and look at his car. That’s all he cared about.

Apparently, the responsibility is ours. Our property (Baxter) was not on a leash and caused damage to his personal property.

But who is so cold and uncaring to come back looking for money? If I hit someone’s pet, I’d be at their house asking if they were ok? And  accident happened. We’ve paid emotionally and financially more than he’ll ever realize.

He’s 85…… I’m 41. If he wants money from me for damages to his car, fine. But I’m not gonna make it easy. Take me to court buddy. And we all know how slow the wheels of justice turn……

7 thoughts on “The driver who hit Baxter”

  1. U FLIPPINBELIEVABLE!!! I am shocked beyond words!! Cannot imagine!!! Cannot even imagine!!!
    Yeah, see ya’ in court buddy and do everything you can to drag it out!!

    And ha know what, make him PROVE the damge was caused by Baxter!!! As awful as the accident was, I find it hard ro believe that dog could jave caused much damge to his piece of crap car! He probably already had dents in it and he’s trying to get you to fix it!

    Like yiu, when you first said he came by the next day…aww…that was sweet! NOT!!!

    I am soooo sorry you have to deal with that man’s complete lack of sensitivity and cold, callous heart!

    BAXTER IS GOING TO BE OKAY and that’s the most important thing!!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  2. True story: My very first Pyr Pushkin was huge. Almost 150. One day he got lose and since we live so far out in the country, traffic is faaaast in these back roads. Pushkin and the truck collided at @ 55 mph. Pushkin RAN back to the house, a 1/4 of a mile, and the driver followed. Driver was okay about Pushkin’s welfare, ” I just wanted to tell you I hit your dog…” BUT the ulterior motive was ” Your dog damaged my truck”. And Pushkin had. @ $
    3,500 and this was over 20 years ago and I was a student- quite poor! Long story short, Pushkin only had bumps and bruises, thank goodness, and our HOMEOWNERS insurance paid the claim. Maybe yours will as well? As far as the 84 year old man, karma is a b€!?!.

  3. On the day Pushkin got loose, and on those back roads…geesh autocorrect!
    And I swear I did not know your bill estimate was $3500 as I am reading backwards. Can you apply for Care Credit? No interest, 6 mos., and many vets accept it. Hugs and pawsitive thoughts and best wishes!!!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind story, it made me feel better! By the time they offered us carecredit we had gathered the money, but we may use it for the amputation that hasn’t happened yet. They are letting his body recover from the accident and jaw surgery before removing his leg. He’s not in any pain, it’s dead. It’s more of a nuisance than anything, getting in the way.

      I appreciate everyone and your comments. I really think I’ve found a great place for the support we need!!

  4. Wow! I am amazed that he would come back, in person, and ask you that question. Why not just let insurance handle it? Sorry, but seems unbelievable selfish (and clearly not a dog, or people, person).

  5. Sorry, but my mind is churning now. Why didn’t he just let insurance handle it? Does he not have insurance? Does he have a license even? Is his driving record less than perfect? How about his vision? For a lot of older persons, the ability to drive is very very hard to give up, whether it is time or not. I’m wondering if he has some ‘skeleton’ in his closet (which suggests your approach in not giving him money is a good one). Or, he is just a jerk.

  6. Wow. Just had a chance to read Baxter’s story. We’re stunned over here at Tripawds HQ and horrified that someone would go demand payment like that. WOW. We are SO sorry! I guess we’re pretty naive about things like this. Let us know how it worked out.

    P.S. I’m with otisandtess’ mom’s theory, I wonder if he was hiding it from his insurance company? Ugh.

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